graduated with honors from the School of Radiophysics of Kharkov
State university (KSU) in 1980 year. In 1988 he defended his
Ph.D. thesis "Investigation of laser resonators and circuits
based on the systems of a oversized hollow dielectric channel"
(supervisor prof. Svich V.A.) and in 2008 - his Doctoral thesis
on "The formation and selection of transverse modes in laser
resonators" (scientific advisor prof. Svich V.A.), by specialty «Radiophysics».
graduation Maslov V. worked at the Department of Quantum
Radiophysics of KSU junior research assistant (1980-1984 years).
In the 1984-1987 years he studied in the Postgraduate school. In 1988 he worked as a researcher, and from 1989
year - Senior Researcher
of Department of Quantum Radiophysics. Since
1993 - Assistant Professor, and since
Associate Professor, Department of Quantum Radiophysics of KSU.
In 1994 year he was awarded the academic title of Senior
Researcher, in 1997
the academic rank of
professor. Since October 2008
Professor, Department of Quantum Radiophysics V.N. Karazin
Kharkiv National University. In 2013 he was awarded the academic
rank of Professor.
He prepared
and teaches a Faculty lecture
course «Quantum Radiophysics»,
chair special lecture courses "Laser Optics", "Fundamentals of radio
optics", "Measurement of the laser characteristics".
The main
areas of research are the physical processes of propagation and
conversion of wave beams in laser cavities and tracts of
submillimeter and infrared wavelengths.
The main
scientific achievements belong to the following: developed and
experimentally confirmed a new method of spatial Fourier
filtering transverse modes for single-mode excitation
oscillation with a a given transverse field distribution in the
laser resonator; the first time theoretically found and
experimentally verified the optimum conditions of excitation,
the polarization resistance and transfer undistorted in
oversized hollow waveguides wave laser beams; new methods of
formation and selection of the wave beam profile of a given
output radiation in the waveguide laser resonators have been
A. Maslov the author of over 150 publications, 11 copyright
certificates and patents for invention.
Since 1998,
member of the International Union of Scientific Institute of
Electrical Engineers and the IEEE electronics, its branches on
lasers and electro-optics (IEEE Photonics).Vyacheslav A. Maslov
is prezident of the Ukrainian Branch of the IEEE Photonics. The
head of the organizing committee of many international seminars
and well-known large international conferences on modern
optoelectronics and lasers - CAOL (LFNM).
He took an
active part in the implementation of computer technology in the
educational process and scientific research department. Annually
he updates the program of lectures, participates in the
development of laboratory work.He is the coauthor of the
textbook "Mathematical modeling in physics" with a signature
stamp of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine and nine teaching
He is
member of specialized scientific council for Doctoral and (Ph.D)
candidate dissertations on the specialty 01.04.03 "Radiophysics"
in O.Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics
and Electronics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and
D 64.051.02
in V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University.
Major publications:
Yepishin V.A., Maslov V.A., Ryabikh V.N., Svich V.A.,Topkov A.N.
Undistorted transmission of a beam of radiation along a
channel-in-a-dielectric waveguide // Soviet journal of
communications technology & electronics, 1988, Vol 33, No.9,
Epishin V.A., Maslov V.A., Ryabykh V.N., Svich V.A., Topkov A.N.
Formation of light beams with a planar intensity distribution //
Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett. –1988. –V.14, ¹ 12. – P.971–972.
Epishin V.A., Maslov V.A., Ryabykh V.N., Svich V.A., Topkov A.N.
Investigation of the oscillation modes and optimizatioin of the
output power of optically pumped submillimeter waveguides lasers
// Sov. J. Quantum Electron. – 1989. – V.19, ¹ 8. – P.1007–1010.
Epishin V.A., Maslov V.A., Ryabykh V.N., Svich V.A., Topkov A.N.
Transmission of submillimeter laser beams along hollow-core
dielectric waveguides // Sov. J. Quantum Electron. – 1990. –
V.20, ¹ 4. – P.415–419.
Epishin V.A., Maslov V.A., Militinskii I.M. Observation of a
mode with uniform amplitude distribution on one of the mirrors
in a modified grating cavity // Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett. – 1991. –
V.17, ¹ 1. – P.37–38.
Maslov V.A., Svich V.A., Tkachenko V.M., Topkov A.N., Yundev D.N.
Compact wide-range submillimeter laser // Plasma Physics
Reports. – 1994. – V.20, ¹ 1. – P.24–26.
Gurin O.V., Epishin V.A., Maslov V.A., Militinskii I.M., Svich
V.A., Topkov A.N. Formation of a beam with a uniform intensity
distribution in a CO2 laser with a generalised
confocal cavity // Quantum Electronics. – 1998. – V.28, ¹
5. – P.411–415.
Gurin O.V., Degtyarev A.V., Maslov V.A., Svich V.A., Tkachenko
V.M., Topkov A.N. Selection of transverse modes in a laser
cavities containing waveguides and open parts // Quantum
Electronics. – 2001. – V.31, ¹ 4. – P.346–350.
Gurin O.V., Yepishin V.A., Maslov V.A., Militinskii I.M., Svich
V.A., Topkov A.N. Formation of a uniform intensity distribution
in a cw CO2 laser with a phase-stepped mirror //
Quantum Electronics. – 2001. – V.31, ¹6. – P.543–546.
Gurin O.V., Degtyarev A.V., Maslov V.A., Svich V.A., Tkachenko
V.M., Topkov A.N. Transmission of submillimeter laser beams in
hollow waveguides // Quantum Electronics. – 2005. –
V.35, ¹ 2. – P.175–179.
11. Volodenko A.V., Gurin O.V., Degtyarev A.V., Maslov V.A.,
Svich V.A., Topkov A.N. Transmission and self-imaging of
submillimetre laser beams in metallic rectangular
waveguides // Quantum Electronics. – 2006 – V.36, ¹ 2. –
P. 149–153.
12. Volodenko A.V., Gurin O.V., Degtyarev A.V., Maslov V.A.,
Svich V.A., Topkov A.N. Waveguide submillimeter laser with a
uniform output beam // Quantum Electronics. – 2007. –
V.37, ¹ 1. – P.63-68.
13. Volodenko A.V., Gurin O.V., Degtyarev A.V., Maslov V.A.,
Svich V.A., Topkov A.N. Formation of non-gaussian intensity
profile in a waveguide quasi-optical rezonator with an
aspherical mirror // Quantum Electronics. – 2007. – V.37,
¹ 11. – P.1065-1070.
14. .V.Volodenko, O.V.Gurin, A.V.Degtyarev, V.A.Maslov,
V.A.Svich, A.N.Topkov. Selection of the higher transverse modes
of a waveguide quasi-optical resonator // Quantum Electronics. -
2010. - V.40, ¹ 1. - P.68-72.
15. A.V.Volodenko,
Transmission characteristics of circular metallic waveguides for
terahertz radiation //
Quantum Electronics. - 2011. - V. 41, ¹ 9. - P.853-857.
16. S.A.Vlasenko,O.V.Gurin,
Waveguide CO2 laser with a quasi-homogeneous distribution of the
output radiation intensity // Quantum Electronics. - 2013. -
V. 43, ¹ 5. - P.472-476.
17.Î.V.Gurin, À.V.Degtyarev, M.N.Legenkyi, V.À.Ìàslov, V.À.Svich,
V.S.Senyuta, À.N.Òîpkov. Generation of transverse modes with
azimuthal polarization in a terahertz band waveguide laser //
Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. - 2014. - V.73, ¹
20. - P.1819-1830.
18. V.Gurin, A.V.Degtiariov, V.A.Maslov, V.N.Ryabikh, A.N.Topkov.
Waveguide resonators of terahertz lasers with internal spherical
mirrors // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. - 2016. -
Vol.75, ¹ 18.- P. 1665-1677.
19. A.V.
Degtyarev, V.A. Maslov, A.N. Topkov. Optical-pumped terahertz
lasers. Chapter 11 in the monograph “Generation and
amplification of signals in the terahertz range,” p. 404-459: /
ed. A.E. Khramova A.G. Balanova, V.D. Eremki, V.E. Zapevalova,
A.A. Koronovsky. - Saratov: Sarat. state tech. Univ., 2016 .--
460 p.
O.V.Gurin, À.V.Degtyarev, N.N.Dubinin, M.N.Legenkyi, V.À.Ìàslov,
V.S.Senyuta, À.N.Òîpkov.
Generation of terahertz vector beam in the waveguide dielectric
gas-discharge laser //Telecommunications and Radio Engineering.
- 2017. -
Vol.76, ¹ 17. - P.1567-1579.
Formation and selection of transverse modes in laser cavities:
monograph / A.V. Degtyarev, V. A. Maslov, V. A. Svich, A.N.
Topkov. - Kharkov, V.N. Karazin, 2017 .-- 212 p.
22. Î.V. Gurin, À.V. Degtyarev, N.N. Dubinin, Ì.N. Legenkiy, V.À. Maslov,_ K.I. Muntean, V.N. Ryabykh, & V.S. Senyuta, Selective
properties of azimuthal symmetric diffraction mirrors of
terahertz laser // Telecommunications and Radio
Engineering. – 2018. – Vol. 77. – ¹
20. – Ð. 1845–1854.
S.A. Vlasenko, A.V. Degtyarev, M.M. Dubinin, V.A. Maslov, Spatial
and power characteristics of focused modes of the metal cavity
of a terahertz laser //
Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. – 2019. – Vol. 78. – ¹
5. – Ð. 373–383.
24. M.I.
Dzyubenko, V.A. Maslov, E.N. Odarenko, V.P. Radionov, Modelling
of output mirrors based on circular gradient structures for THz
lasers // Quantum Electronics. – 2019.
– Vol. 49. – ¹ 5. – Ð. 512–513.