Karazin Kharkiv National University     School of Radiophysics, Biomedical Electronics and Computer Systems
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Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor

Alexander N. Levchenko was born in a family of health care workers in 1953 in the city of Lisichansk Lugansk region. In 1961 he entered to the first class of secondary school № 1 in Lyubotyn Kharkiv region.

In 1971 after passing the entrance exams enrolled in 1st year in the School of Radiophysics of Kharkov State University (KSU). After graduating from School of Radiophysics in 1978 on the distribution of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education was left at the Department of Quantum Radiophysics as an engineer on the educational process.

With the active participation of the engineer Alexander N. Levchenko it was assembled and upgraded to twenty laboratory installations in four classrooms of the department. Heassists teachers in laboratory work, demonstration of educational films, holding various conferences, implementation of projects and dissertations.

Since 1982 engineer Alexander N. Levchenko has been studying the crystals used in quantum electronics, methods of electron spin resonance, participating in conferences, carrying out research related to the development of methods to increase the radiation resistance of the crystals.

In 1989 Alexander N. Levchenko enters to the correspondence postgraduate study of the Institute of Radio Astronomy of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine, from which he graduated in 1993.

In 1999 heunder the guidance of Academician of NAS of Ukraine Valery M. Shulga wrote and defended his Ph.D. thesis "The transformation of the radiation paramagnetic centers and optical effects in crystals KDP and DKDP» for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.

After successfully defending his Ph.D. dissertation Alexander N. Levchenko continues to work at the department in a post of leading engineer of teaching and support staff and part-time working as a senior researcher in the group of Professor Vasily A. Svich, he investigates the interaction of laser radiation with biological objects, takes participation in the work of the organizing committee of international conferences LFNM, CAOL.

Since 2015 Alexander N. Levchenko working at the Department of Quantum Radiophysics as an associate professor.

Key research areas: laser medicine and biology; the interaction of the laser and the different types of ionizing radiation with crystal; optical, magnetic, dielectric, electrical and other properties of the crystals used in quantum electronics.

By 2009 Alexander N. Levchenko published together with the co-authors of more than 40 scientific works, among which there are works in the leading journals of Ukrainian, Russian, European and American publishers (WILEY-VCH, Elsevier, IEEE, etc.).


Major publications:

1.   Левченко А.Н., Шульга В.М. Просветление кристаллов дигидрофосфата калия при больших дозах g-облучения // Журн. приклад. спектроскопии, 1990.– Т.52.– С.857–859.

2.   Левченко А.Н., Шульга В.М., Дорошенко А.О. Примесная природа спектров оптического поглощения и люминесценции облученных кристаллов КН2РО4 // Физика твердого тела, 1990.– Т.32.– С.2468–2470.

3.   Шульга В.М., Левченко А.Н. Способ обработки кристаллов дигидрофосфата калия. Авторское свидетельство СССР №1609210, 1990.

4.   Шульга В.М., Левченко А.Н. Трансформація домішкових радіаційних дефектів у кристалах дигідрофосфату калію // Укр. фіз. журн., 1992.– Т.37.– С. 1067–1070.

5.   Velikhov Yu., Pritula I., Ganina I., Kolybayeva M., Puzikov V., Levchenko A.N. Growth and properties of dyed KDP crystals // Cryst. Res. Technol., 2007.– Vol. 42.– P. 27–33.

6.   Pritula I., Gaivoronsky V., Gromov Yu., Kopylovsky M., Kolybayeva M., Puzikov V., Kosinova A., Savvin Yu., Velikhov Yu., Levchenko A. Linear and nonlinear optical properties of dye-doped KDP crystals: Effect of thermal treatment // Optics Communications, 2009.–Vol. 282.– P.1141–1147.


Department of Quantum Radiophysics
RBECS School
V.N. Karazin KhNU