In 1963 he graduated from the department of radiomeasurements (now the Department of Quantum Radiophysics) School of Radiophysics of the A.G. Gorky Kharkov state university (KSU). In 1963-1967 years he was a graduate student under the directionof prof. R.A.Valitova-one of the leading of the USSR specialists in the field of radio technology. The Ph.D. thesis, which he defended in 1967, has been associated with the problem of measuring the radiation characteristics of lasers, which have appeared at the moment.
Scientific activities Nikolay G.Kokodiy in the following year was associated with studies of interactionlaser radiation with matter and the use of the resulting effects in the measurement technique.Under his leadership, developed devices that were used later in different organizations in Moscow, Leningrad, Saratov and other cities in the USSR. In 1992, on the basis of these studies NikolayG.Kokody defended his doctoral thesis "Methods of measurement of space-energy characteristics of high-power laser radiation". In recent years, NikolayG.Kokody concerned with the problem of computer processing of signals of the measuring laser technology equipment as well as the methods of computer simulation of phenomena in physics and biophysics.
Along with the scientific work Nikolay G. Kokody engaged in educational work. He has prepared and taught courses: "Electrical Measurements", "Radiomeasurements", "Mathematical modeling in physics," "Experimental Techniques in Biophysics", conducts practical and laboratory classes for these courses.
Nikolay G. Kokody is a member of the Academic Councilof V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University on defense candidate and doctoral theses.
He has published more than 130 scientific works, he is the author of 10 certificates of authorship. In 2007 published his textbook "Mathematical modeling in physics".