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Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Full Professor
Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology

Born in 1936, Professor of the Department of Quantum Radiophysics, doctor of physical-mathematical sciences, professor emeritus of the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (KNU), Honored Scientist of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, laureate of the M.Ostrovskogo LKSMU Prize in the field of science and technology.

He graduated from the Higher Military Aviation School in 1959, Worked as an engineer a radiotechnician in the Kharkov airport. In 1961 – 1964 yearswas a graduate student at the School of Radiophysics of the A.G. Gorky Kharkov state university (KSU). He defended his Ph.D. thesis in 1965, and his doctoral thesis "Submillimeter molecular lasers with optical pumping" hedefended in 1981. He worked as an assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor and since 1982 – Full Professor of the Department of Quantum Radiophysics.

Professor Stanislav F. Dyubko professionally teaches a course developed by them"Quantum Radiophysics" and the special course "Molecular Spectroscopy of high-resolution" for the senior students of the School of Radiophysics, conducts laboratory practical, supervisor course and diploma students' robots. Topics graduation robot , made under his leadership , has always highlighted the relevance of topics and depth of scientific developments.Stanislav F. Dyubko was awarded the diploma of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine as the supervisor of the best scientific work of students.Successfully training personnel of higher qualification. Under his supervisor defended their Ph.D. thesis 14 graduate students and applicants. Two of them have doctorates, and two more - are working on a doctoral thesis.

The scientific activity of Professor Dyubko closely associated with the problem of development of millimeter and submillimeter ranges of wavelengths. Between 1962-1966 years he performed a series of studies of open resonators and measuring instruments millimeter range based on them. Between 1967-1971 years – Research and development cycle of submillimeter molecular gas-discharge lasers, which found widespread introduction in the Institute of the USSR , where were the study of high-temperature plasma and fusion.

In theperiod 1972-1992 years conducted with graduate students extensive research submillimeterrange of lasers with optical pumping. The results of this research period, Stanislav F.Dyubko are:
- For the first time studied the spectra of laser radiation 27 new molecules, both received more than 700 new lines of generation, measured by the frequency generation near 300 lines;
- Built submillimeterradio spectrometers for a detailed study of the rotational spectra of molecules, which are used in lasers with optical pumping;
- Created the first national sample submillimeter lasers with optical pumping.

Since the mid of 80-ies, Professor Dyubko along with graduate students and researchers the department conducts intensive and fruitful research in the field of molecular radiospectroscopy in millimeter and submillimeter ranges. Under his leadership has been designed and built a unique radio spectrometer to study the rotational spectra of molecules in the frequency range up to 750 GHz in the KSU, and for laboratory studies of microwave absorption spectra of interstellar molecules on his initiative and active participation created an automated PC-based radio spectrometer at theInstituteof Radio Astronomy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Another trend, led by Professor Stanislav F. Dyubko – spectroscopy of atoms in Rydberg states. The experiments in this area are of particular value for the atomic physics and highlights the extreme complexity. In the world there are only a few laboratory facilities, capable to carry out such experiments, and one of them -in Ukraine, Kharkiv, constructedStanislav F.Dyubko with his disciples. In this spectrometer, recently obtained the first reliable data on the quantum defect of atoms aluminum,copper, silver and gold. Research in molecular and atomic spectroscopy, performed research group of Professor Dyubko were supported by grants from ISF, INTAS, CRDF, STCU and the American Physical Society – APS.

ProfessorStanislav F.Dyubko is an expert of the Ukrainian National Space Agency, is member of the specialized scientific council for awarding Ph.D. and doctoral degrees, a member of the editorial board of the NAS of Ukraine, "Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy", authored and co-author of more than 200 scientific publications, among them - 2 monographs and 12 inventor's certificates.


Major publications:

1. Дюбко  С.Ф.,  Валитов Р.А., Камышан  В.В., Шейко В.П. Об одном методе измерения распределения полей в открытых резонаторах. -ЖЭТФ, т.47, вып.4, 1964.

2. Дюбко  С.Ф., Свич В.А., Валитов Р.А. Субмиллиметровый лазер на  SO2, генерирующий на волнах 0,141 и 0,193 мм. - Письма в редакцию ЖЭТФ, т7, вып. 11, 1968.

3. Дюбко  С .Ф., Ефименко  М.Н.  Детектирующие  свойства точечного  контакта  металл-InSb на волне 337 мкм при Т=300 К. –Письма  ЖЭТФ,1971, т.13, вып .5.с.551-533

4. Дюбко  С.Ф., СвичВ.А., Фесенко  Л.Д. Чувствительный к магнитному полю  субмиллиметровый лазер  на парамагнитных  молекулах  СlO2. – Письма  в ЖТФ, 1975, т.1, вып.9., с. 409-411.

5. Дюбко  С.Ф., Свич В.А., Фесенко Л.Д. Субмиллиметровый лазер на молекулах HCOOH, DCOOH, DCOOD  и HCOOD  .-ЖТФ, т.ХУ, вып. 11, ноябрь 1975./3 стр./.

6. Баскаков О.И., Москиенко М.В., Дюбко С.Ф., Фесенко Л.Д. Идентификация  рабочих переходов лазера на парах муравьиной кислоты. - Квантовая электроника, 1977, т.4, № 4.с. 800-809.

7. Ефремов В.А., Дюбко  С.Ф., Ефименко М.Н.  Рамановское и гиперрамановское излучение молекул аммиака в диапазоне субмиллиметровых волн. - Квантовая электроника,1989, т.16, №7, с.1432-1433.

8. В.Г.Герасимов, С.Ф. Дюбко, М.Н.Ефименко, В.М.Ефименко. Спектр сверхизлучения атомов кальция, возбуждаемых лазером на красителе. -ЖПС, 1990, т.52, №4, с.540-544.

9. Dyubko S.F., Efimenko M.N., Efremov V.A., Podnos S.V. Microwave spectroscopy of S-,P- and D- states of sodium Rydberg atoms.- Phys.Rev.A .- 1995.- V.52.- P.514-517.

10. Alekseev E.A., Dyubko S.F., Ilyushin V.V., Podnos S.V. The High-Precision Millimeter-Wave Spectrum of 32SO2, 32SO2(n2), and 34SO2 // J.Mol.Spectrosc.- V.176, №2.- 1996.- P. 316-320.

11. Dyubko S., Efremov V., Podnos S., Sun X., MacAdam K.B. Quantum defects of the sodium atom in f, g and h states.- J Phys.B .-1997.-V.30.- P.2345-2349.

12. Ilyushin V.V., Alekseev E.A., Dyubko S.F., Baskakov O.I. Microwave Spectroscopy of the Ground, n18, 2n18, and n11 Vibrational States of CF3CFH2 // J. Mol. Spectrosc.- Vol. 195, № 2.- 1999.- P. 246-255.

13. Baskakov O.I., Dyubko S.F., Katrich A.A., Ilyushin V.V., Alekseev E.A. Millimeter-Wave Spectrum of CF2Cl2, Taking into Account the Hyperfine Structure // J.Mol.Spectrosc.- Vol. 199, №1.- 2000.- P. 26-33.

14. Wang S.-X., Schroderus J., Ozier I., Moazzen-Ahmadi N., McKellar A.R.W., Dyubko S.F., Katrich A.A., Ilyushin V.V., Alekseev E.A. Infrared and Millimeter-Wave Study of the Four Lowest Torsional States of CH3CF3 // J. Mol. Spectrosc.- Vol. 205, № 1.- 2001.- 146-163.

15. Dyubko S.F., Efremov V.A., Gerasimov V.G., MacAdam K.B. Microwave spectroscopy of AlI Rydberg states: F terms // J.Phys.B.-2003.-V.36.-P.3797-3804.

16. V.V. Ilyushin, E.A. Alekseev, S.F. Dyubko, R.A. Motiyenko and J.T.Hougen “The rotational spectrum of the ground state of methylamine”, J. Mol. Spectrosc. ,2005, V.229, №2, P. 170-187.

17. L.E. Snyder, F.J. Lovas, J.M. Hollis, D.N. Friedel, P.R. Jewell, A. Remijan, V.V. Ilyushin, E.A. Alekseev, and S.F. Dyubko “A rigorous attempt to verify interstellar glycine”, Astrophysical Journal, 2005, V.619, №2, P.914-930.

18. V.V. Ilyushin, E.A. Alekseev, S.F. Dyubko, R.A. Motiyenko, and F.J. Lovas "Millimeter Wave Spectrum of Glycine", J. Mol. Spectrosc. ,2005, V.231, №1, P. 15- 22

19. Dyubko S.F., Efremov V.A., Gerasimov V.G., MacAdam K.B. Millimetre-wave spectroscopy of Au I Rydberg states: S, P and D terms, Journal of Physics B, 2005, V.38, N8.

20. V.V. Ilyushin, E.A. Alekseev, S.F. Dyubko, R.A. Motiyenko and J.T.Hougen “The rotational spectrum of the ground state of methylamine”, J. Mol. Spectrosc. ,2005, V.229, №2, P. 170-187.

21. L.E. Snyder, F.J. Lovas, J.M. Hollis, D.N. Friedel, P.R. Jewell, A. Remijan, V.V. Ilyushin, E. A. Alekseev, and S. F. Dyubko “A rigorous attempt to verify interstellar glycine”, Astrophysical Journal, 2005, V.619, №2, P.914-930.

22. V.V. Ilyushin, E.A. Alekseev, S.F. Dyubko, R.A. Motiyenko, and F. J. Lovas "Millimeter Wave Spectrum of Glycine", J. Mol. Spectrosc. ,2005, V.231, №1, P. 15- 22

23. Dyubko S.F., Efremov V.A., Gerasimov V.G., MacAdam K.B. Millimetre-wave spectroscopy of Au I Rydberg states: S, P and D terms, Journal of Physics B, 2005, V.38, N8.

24. V.V.Ilyushin, E.A.Alekseev, S.F. Dyubko, and Motiyenko. Laboratory Investigations of Molekular Spektra and Quantum Electronics in Ukraine. Радиофизика и радиоастрономия.- 2005.-т.10. Cпециальный выпуск.- С.160-186.


Department of Quantum Radiophysics
RBECS School
V.N. Karazin KhNU