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Oleg V. Gurin
Research associate

He started his career after graduating from high school in 1978 as an fitter of radio equipmentat the Kharkov instrument-making factory to them T.G. Shevchenko. In May 1979, Oleg V. Gurin was drafted into the Soviet Army in the Air Defense Troops. In 1981, after demobilization, Oleg V. Gurin came to work as an senior laboratory assistant at the A.G. Gorky Kharkov state university (KSU) in the Department of Quantum Radiophysics of the School of Radiophysics. At the same time he entered in the evening department of School of Radiophysics.After graduation in 1987 he worked as an engineer, junior researcher. Now he workedas an Researcher associate Department of Quantum Radiophysics.

At work, he had always favored the experiment. He takes part in the manufacture of devices and models for experimental studies, makes spraying reflectors for resonators and laser drainage channels.

Oleg V. Gurin participated in the creation and study of the submillimeter laser magnetic polarimeter.It conducts research on the formation of beams with uniform intensity distribution and the transverse mode selection in laser cavities. He also engaged in research on the effects of submillimeter radiation on biological objects.he effects of submillimeter radiation on biological objects. He is the co-author of 40 scientific publications and six innovations.


Major publications:

1.   Гурин О.В., Свич В.А., Ткаченко В.М., Топков А.Н. Лазерный субмиллиметровый магнитополяриметр// Применение радиоволн миллиметрового и субмиллиметрового диапазонов: Сб. научн. тр./ ИРЭ НАН Украины. Харьков, 1994. – С.142 – 147.

2.   Гурин О.В., Дегтярев А.В., Маслов В.А., Свич В.А., Ткаченко В.М., Топков А.Н. Волноводный субмиллиметровый лазер с модовым селектором// Радиофизика и электроника.– Сб. научных тр., Харьков, Институт радиофизики и электроники НАН Украины. – 2003. – Т.8, № 1. – C.131 – 135.

3.   Volodenko A.V., Gurin O.V., Degtyarev A.V., Maslov V.A., Svich V.A., Topkov A.N. Formation of non-gaussian intensity profile in a waveguide quasi-optical rezonator with an aspherical mirror// Quantum Electronics. – 2007. – Т.37, №11. – С.1065 – 1070.

4.   Topkov A.N., Gurin O.V., Svich V.A., Vorobyev A.Y., Chunlei Guo. Enhanced THz absorptance of metal surfaces structured with femtosecond laser // Proceedings of 4-th Int. Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers, Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine, September 29 - October 4, 2008. – 2008. – P. 416 – 418.

5.   Vlasenko S.A., Gurin O.V., Degtyarev A.V., Maslov V.A., Svich V.A., Topkov A.N. Waveguide CO2 laser with a quasi-homogeneous distribution of the output radiation intensity // Quantum Electronics. – 2013. – V.43, № 5. – P.472–476.

6.   Gurin O.V., Degtyarev A.V., Maslov V.A., Svich V.A., Senyuta V.S., Topkov A.N. and Khardikov V.V. The Formation of Azimuthally-Polarized Transverse Modes in Quasi-Optical Waveguide Terahertz Resonators // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. – 2014, –v.73, № 14, – P.1229 -1239.

7.   Gurin O.V., Degtyarev A.V., Maslov V.A., Svich V.A., Senyuta V.S. and Topkov A.N. Propagation and Focusing of Modes of Dielectric Resonators of Terahertz Range Lasers // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. – 2015, –v.74, № 7, – P.629 -640.


Department of Quantum Radiophysics
RBECS School
V.N. Karazin KhNU